Purchase and redevelopment of property

Released Date
August 28, 2024
Due Date
September 9, 2024
Town of Clarksville’s Redevelopment Commission
Issuer Type
RFP Source
Town’s website

For the purchase and redevelopment of property owned by the Town of Clarksville’s Redevelopment Commission. The subject property is located at 746-752 E Lewis & Clark Parkway in Clarksville, Indiana. The subject property totals approximately 7.33 acres and includes a building with approximately 100,000 square feet combined. The site is located within the 3C Master Plan (Catapult Central Clarksville) area of Central Clarksville, Exhibit A. The Commission has several goals for the redevelopment of this site. The accepted Proposal and ensuing development will utilize strong site planning and architectural design, incorporate aesthetically pleasing materials and sound building practices, focus on the site’s prominence as a spur to redevelopment in Central Clarksville. The Commission is seeking the best and highest use for the site, potentially including a combination of commercial, residential, retail, and/or hospitality. All proposals must recommend use for the entirety of the site.